Davis W. Frank

I am an experienced senior software engineering leader with a demonstrated history of helping software teams shorten feedback loops, ship software, and stay happy. I can manage developers, designers, product managers, and people managers. I can build and re-staff teams. I can own critical business systems and start open source projects. I can present to meetups, conferences, customers, and executives about Ruby, JavaScript, YAML, Web Applications, early history of PC game development, low-level processor optimization, Pair Programming, and Test-driven Development.

Professional Experience Timeline

Fountain October 2021 - June 2023

Director of Software Engineering

Personal Sabbatical & Product Advising January 2020 - October 2021

Pivotal Software & Pivotal Labs April 2008 - January 2020

Senior Software Engineering Manager, PKS October 2018 - January 2020

PKS (also known as VMware’s TKGI) was a jointly-developed Kubernetes distribution from Pivotal & VMware that was a service for Pivotal Cloud Foundry/Tanzu Application Service.

Senior Software Engineering Manager, Cloud Foundry April 2018 - October 2018

Pivotal was the primary sponsor of the Cloud Foundry project, a multi-cloud Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for deployment of web apps and services. Pivotal sold its own version of CF, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, now known as Tanzu Application Service.

Director of Software Engineering March 2015 - March 2018

I created a product development team within IT to improve the development & maintenance of our business-critical, internal software projects. Work in Ruby on Rails and Kotlin/Spring.

Associate Director, Pivotal Labs February 2013 - March 2015

Pivotal Labs was a consultancy that built web and mobile applications with clients as a way of teaching XP skills, using Ruby on Rails, iOS, Android, and mobile-oriented JavaScript platforms.

Software Engineering Manager, Pivotal Labs February 2010 - February 2013

Software Engineer, Pivotal Labs April 2008 - February 2010

Real Girls Media February 2007 - April 2008

Senior Software Engineer

RGM built a custom CMS in Ruby on Rails, intended to back a family of web-only magazines. They were acquired in 2009.

Personal Sabbatical June 2006 - February 2007

Handspring & Palm November 2001 - June 2006

Handspring was acquired by PalmSource and renamed to palmOne in 2003. They renamed again to Palm in 2004.

Prior Experience

My history of roles and accomplishments at Netstudio, Brøderbund, and Intel are available in my full resume.


University of Georgia

B.S., Computer Science, July 1992

Harrison Metal

General Management class and electives, since fall 2017

Projects & Activities
