Interestings for Iterators (i4i) Vol I, #7

14 June 2024 about a 2 minute read

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Ruby Links

SF Ruby Meetup I gave a Ruby-focused version of my tech talk, Three Cheers for Release Engineering, this week at the SF Ruby Meetup. This meetup is now monthly and regaining steam - there are a lot of interesting Ruby teams here! If you’re a Rubyist in the SF Bay Area, please join the Luma event for July and propose a talk. See you next month!

Ruby on Rails Jobs Weekly Mark Moura is making this weekly post of Ruby-focused job listings to LinkedIn’s Rubyists group. It includes remote and remote-friendly jobs. I’ve found an interesting correlation between Iterator-friendly teams and those who use Ruby and Rails as tech choices. So this makes for a good list of companies to research.

RubyConf 2024 is Chicago, IL, November 11-13. The CFP is now open, with help for first-time CFPers/presenters. Go submit a talk!


MarkMap When I’m dumping my brain using outlines, I sometimes want a mind map view. The MarkMap project is a renderer that can take any Markdown doc and give a tree view. There’s a REPL at their site, as well as a VSCode extension LINK. I’m an Obsidian power user, but I found a split screen (Obs on the left, VSCode/MarkMap on the right) useful a few times in the past week.

Agilytics Darryl Snow, a pivot in Singapore, has made a JIRA extension to approximate some of Pivotal Tracker’s analytics and other features. It’s early, but if you’re in the “I miss Tracker but live in JIRA” camp take a look and kick the stories - I mean tires.


How to Cut an Onion J. Kenji Lopez-Alt is my favorite cooking geek out there. He’s talked about this technique for years on his YouTube channel. This article has the best explanation yet, complete with diagrams and a little math.

Wrapping up this week with smiles from two geek-comedy bits for you. Click for smiles and groans.

This article is part of the series Interestings for Iterators and is tagged with agile, xp, interesting, links, and i4i newsletter.